
October 19, 2006

PureText – Simple But Pure Genius

Filed under: Software, Technology — inVINCEble @ 1:19 am

As a web developer, I’m amazed I didn’t try to find this before now.  Now that I have it, I sure I won’t be able to live without it during my working hours.  There’s many times that I would copy text from a Word document and try to paste it into my HTML editor and getting a whole bunch of garbage asscociated with text formating.  I would then open up NotePad, paste into it to clean the formating out, then copy it to paste it into the HTML editor.  Let’s just say it’s a big hassle when you do this as many times a day as I do.  PureText makes it much less complicated.  PureText is a simple program that constantly runs and lives in the Window Tray.  It just sits there waiting for you to cut or copy text.  Once you copy a set of text, you activate the text cleanup process by hitting the Window Key & V Key.  It will then clean up the formating and paste your text into the current application you are using.

Check out Steve Miller’s website at the following URL:

PureText Tray

PureText Options

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